
Start your podcast journey now and launch with confidence!

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Navigate Podcasting With Confidence

Are you unsure where to begin, struggling to navigate the complex world of podcasting and worried about your show's success?

Podcast Smart Launch is here to alleviate your pain points by providing expert guidance, comprehensive training and time-saving solutions for aspiring podcasters.

Launching your podcast can be challenging! Discover how to achieve top-notch production quality, create compelling storytelling, and develop efficient operations and strategic marketing plans to ensure your show stands out in the competitive audio & video landscape.

It's time to build your podcast's unique story and grow your loyal audience with confidence!

Core Elements of Smart Launch

Master the Art of Podcast Hosting

  • Elevate your podcast hosting skills to new heights with our in-depth and comprehensive training on clear communication methods, specifically designed for podcasters like you. Our program will walk you through the process of mastering the art of crafting captivating episode arcs that effortlessly flow from one segment to another, ensuring your listeners stay engaged throughout. Moreover, we'll delve into the techniques of integrating compelling storytelling into your podcast, transforming even the most mundane topics into captivating stories that keep your audience hooked through a memorable listening experience.

Comprehensive Show Development

  • Embark on a stress-free podcast creation journey with support that address and prepares you for every aspect of your show's development. We'll craft eye-catching artwork and engaging show descriptions, meticulously plan each episode, and make sure you're prepared to produce polished openings and closings that set the tone for your content. Plus, you'll also get tips on creating compelling ad reads and even how to take advantage of emerging technologies that may make your podcasting experience better to ensure a cohesive and professional podcast experience from start to finish!

Discover and Master the Perfect Gear

  • Let us help you achieve professional audio and video quality by guiding you through selecting the perfect recording equipment tailored to your unique podcasting needs. We'll teach you the ins and outs of properly setting up and using your gear, allowing you to capture crystal-clear audio and stunning visuals for a truly immersive listening and viewing experience. By mastering the technical aspects of both audio and video podcasting, you'll confidently create content that stands out from the crowd and resonates with your audience in the competitive multimedia landscape.

Craft a Strategic Launch and Publishing Plan

  • Optimize your podcast's potential with a meticulously crafted launch and publishing strategy tailored to your show. Our expert guidance will assist you in constructing a detailed roadmap that ensures consistent and effective episode releases, laying the foundation for a flourishing podcast right from the start. By implementing a well-thought-out plan, you'll be better positioned to captivate your audience, retain their interest, and foster a loyal listenership for the long term.

Operate Efficiently with Proven Strategies

  • Discover the secrets to operating your podcast the most effective way to achieve your goals. You'll gain valuable insights on how to collaborate with guests and manage various aspects of your show. By implementing these strategies, you'll not only create engaging content and maintain consistency but also avoid podfade and overall content burnout. This well-rounded approach will empower you to build a thriving podcast that captivates your audience and fosters long-lasting listener loyalty.

Learn the Basics to Podcast Content Marketing

  • Begin your journey into content marketing with our introductory basics specifically designed for podcasters, included as part of your "Bonus After Launch Session." We'll provide a foundational understanding of how to leverage various channels and strategies to effectively reach and engage your target audience. While it's not our full podcast marketing course, this primer will give you a solid starting point for attracting and retaining a loyal following, ultimately helping you build a thriving community around your podcast.

Limited Time Bonus!

Don't miss out on our limited-time bonus offer when you sign up for Podcast Smart Launch! For a limited time only, new enrollees will receive *30 days of free access to our exclusive private membership community, Podcast Creators Circle. This vibrant community is designed to help you build deeper connections with PodcastEZ professionals and community members who have experienced the same challenges and triumphs you're navigating now. As a member, you'll also gain access to our bi-weekly livestreams for continued learning, in-depth Q&A sessions, and insightful interviews with industry experts. This incredible bonus not only enhances your podcasting journey but also empowers you to learn, connect, and grow like never before. Sign up today and get instant access... Don't wait – seize this opportunity and take your podcast to new heights!

*($10/mo after your 30 Day FREE Trial)

PodcastEZ - Podcast Creators Circle Membership Community

What's Included in Smart Launch


| 1-on-1 Show Training & Consultations

Build a solid foundation for your podcast with 1-on-1 training sessions via Zoom. Up to 1.5hrs per session. In each of your training sessions you'll learn about each component of starting up and running your show. From conceptualizing and crafting a show that sets you on a path to realize your goals, your show launch and your ongoing production workflows. And once the evergreen digital course is released, you'll have immediate access to it and any content updates that may come for FREE.

| 1 Trailer Recording Session

Embark on your podcasting journey with our expert-guided 1 Trailer Recording Session, tailored to give your show a strong and captivating start. Whether audio or audio & video, this fully produced trailer sets the stage for your podcast's launch and distribution. You'll craft a compelling introduction that captures your show's essence and entices potential listeners. This polished trailer serves as the first crucial step in establishing your presence in the podcasting landscape.

| Show Artwork

Elevate your podcast's visual appeal with custom-designed show artwork crafted by our talented designer, based on your unique concept. Our team collaborates with you to create stunning, eye-catching visuals that reflect your show's essence and resonate with your target audience. This high-quality, captivating artwork will not only enhance your brand's presence but also make a lasting impression on potential listeners, ensuring that it is easily read and noticed in the sea of podcast offerings.

| Show Music

Set the tone for your podcast with our fully licensed music, carefully curated to create a unique feel and enhance your show's brand expression. This high-quality, custom-selected track is tailored to your podcast's theme and vibe. With perpetual licensing for podcast usage, you can confidently build your show's identity without worry of usage restrictions. Emphasize your podcast's distinctiveness with the perfect music that underscores your content and elevates production value.

| 1 Publish-Ready Show Trailer

From your recording session with our head of production, we'll create a fully produced audio or audio and video podcast trailer that showcases your unique voice. Our professional in-house editor will skillfully edit and polish your trailer, delivering a ready-to-publish masterpiece. With our attention to detail and commitment to quality, your podcast trailer will captivate potential listeners from the very beginning, setting the stage for your show's success.

| Basic Launch & Publishing Plan

We'll tailor a clear and actionable launch plan that guides you through publishing your trailer on your chosen podcast hosting platform, including YouTube for video trailers. Our detailed roadmap ensures your show reaches a wide audience by being on major distribution outlets like Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and more. Beyond the initial launch, we'll also help you establish a sustainable approach for recording, producing, and publishing your show episodes, tailored to your busy lifestyle.

| 1 Bonus "After Launch" Strategy Session

This personalized free bonus consulting session allows you to address any loose ends, fill gaps in your knowledge, and get answers to your most pressing questions. Moreover, our expert guidance will equip you with a solid understanding of podcast content marketing fundamentals, ready for immediate implementation. By the end of the session, you'll be empowered with valuable insights and a clear plan for the next phase of your podcast's growth.

| 30 Days FREE in Our Podcast Community

When you sign up, you'll enjoy 30 days of FREE access to our exclusive podcast creators community, "Podcast Creators Circle." This vibrant community offers a platform for learning, networking, and interacting with fellow podcasters who have been in your shoes and successfully navigated the challenges of podcasting. In addition to the invaluable connections you'll make, the PodcastEZ team hosts bi-weekly livestreams, featuring Q&A sessions, talks with podcast professionals, and a wealth of learning opportunities exploring emerging technologies, strategies, and more!

Enroll Today to Begin Your Podcast Journey!

Two payment options

Podcast Smart Launch + Podcast Creators Circle Community Membership - 30 Days FREE


Two Monthly Payments

  • 1-on-1 Show Consultations (up to 1.5hr/session), to include:
  • 1 Trailer Recording Session
  • 1 Publish Ready Show Trailer (Audio Only or Audio and Video)
  • 1 Bonus "After Launch" Strategy Session
  • Show Artwork (3000px X 3000px)
  • Show Music (1 Licensed Track)
  • Basic Launch & Publishing Plan
  • 30 Days FREE In "Podcast Creators Circle"
  • Private Slack Channel during your program


Podcast Smart Launch + Podcast Creators Circle Community Membership - 30 Days FREE


One-Time Payment

  • 1-on-1 Show Consultations (up to 1.5hr/session), to include:
  • 1 Trailer Recording Session
  • 1 Publish Ready Show Trailer (Audio Only or Audio and Video)
  • 1 Bonus "After Launch" Strategy Session
  • Show Artwork (3000px X 3000px)
  • Show Music (1 Licensed Track)
  • Basic Launch & Publishing Plan
  • 30 Days FREE In "Podcast Creators Circle"
  • Private Slack Channel during your program